Everything starts with a research question. Already think about data management, data sharing and re-use as early as possible, preferably already at the research proposal stage, and create a data management plan! This will save you a lot of time later on. Consider for instance, which data you are going to collect, which methods you are going to use and how you are going to backup, preserve and share your data. Discovering other authors’ data can foster new ideas and hypotheses.
Moreover, you may be able to strengthen or validate your research by reusing data collected by others. Portals like GFBio facilitate such data driven research.
Check if your institution or department has data management recommendations, guidelines or even has its own data management policy. In this case, you’re a lucky guy and can draw on these valuable information!
Note that you can apply for funding to manage your data (e.g. at DFG), by formulating a data management plan as part of your proposal.
Every data producer and data re-user, integrating secondary data or creating own data within his/her research project or as a partner in a research program.
Useful Links
http://www.dfg.de/formulare/54_01 (Proposal Preparation Instructions)
http://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/announcements_proposals/2015/info_wissenschaft_15_36/index.html (Guidelines on the handling of research data)
Recommended citation:
German Federation for Biological Data (2022). GFBio Training Materials: Data Life Cycle Fact-Sheet: Data Life Cycle: Plan. Retrieved 27 Jun 2022 from https://www.gfbio.org/training/materials/data-lifecycle/plan.