How to create a data management plan (DMP)?

Step 6

Outline the preservation and sharing of your data and metadata


Design a plan for data backup. Which technologies in which locations will be used to store your data? Are there regular backup routines or will you backup manually? Who is responsible for data backup and which service providers (e.g. local IT support) are involved?

Find a suitable long-term archive for your data. An advantage of submitting your research data to GFBio is that we can spread your data over our data centers. Each of our data centers has certain fields of specialization on which you can build.

Think of a submission plan. When will your data be submitted to its long-term archive(s)? Remember, at this point you already have the final and quality-assured version of your data sets. You can submit data linked to an article at the same time as the article’s publication. Alternatively, you can continuously submit data during a project runtime (e.g. in defined time intervals), or submit all datasets at the end of the project. And you can also define any other reasonable submission plan for your project data." There is no one-size-fits-all-plan for data submission, it always depends on your research conditions.

Find more information on data preservation in our data life cycle fact sheets Preserve and Submit.

